Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Mercedes Benz Kompressor Club

Several members of Germany's Mercedes Benz Kompressor Club for vehicles produced between 1927 and 1934 attended the Coys International Historic Festival Meeting with their cars in July 1994 and took part in a demonstration run around the circuit.
This photograph shows three of the cars in the paddock but my knowledge of the cars is not good enough to allow me to identify them, though the red car in the middle appears to have once belonged to English golfer Henry Cotton.
Here's two of the cars at Luffield Corner during the demonstration run, and they were joined by an earlier car, a 1924 2 litre Mercedes Benz Targa Florio - one of three cars that contested the Targa Florio race in Sicily that year, Christian Werner winning the race in one of them.
This was a snippet in the programme of the event about the cars:

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