Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Former Police Vehicles

Following on from yesterday's photograph of the ex-Metropolitan Police Daimler SP250 Dart, here are two more of the former Police vehicles that were at the Footman James Classic Car Show Manchester at Event City in September 2018.
This is a 1973 Ford Escort Mk1 Mexico which has a 1,598cc 4-cylinder inline Kent crossflow engine, though the DVLA record gives the capacity as 1,601cc. The car was described at the show as follows:

'HKF 884L is the only known remaining Mk1 Escort Mexico of a fleet of 27 supplied to the former Liverpool and Bootle Constabulary in June 1973. All 27 cars bore the registration mark commencing HKF. The force then amalgamated with other nearby forces and became the Merseyside Police during 1974. The fleet of Mexicos were always driven by Traffic officers - who were trained advanced drivers, and were ideal urban patrol cars to counter the growing problem of ' joy-riders' as they were commonly known. They were fast and agile around the streets of Liverpool.
The car itself was found in a garage in Manchester where it had been left since 1991. It was in a poor condition BUT had retained its original calibrated speedo and zipped roof lining which added credence to its originality. It was bought by its current owner in 2010 and then underwent a complete restoration and returned back to the road in 2012.'

This is a 1993 Vauxhall Cavalier 2.0 SRi with a 4-cylinder inline 1,998cc 16 valve engine and this was the description of the car's history:

'This vehicle was in service with West Yorkshire Police from 1993 to 1997, based at Pudsey Police Station. It was one of a few SRi's purchased to replace their ageing fleet of Ford Sierra Sapphires. The vehicle was the key to the force's fight against the rise in car crime during the 1990's and was regularly in high-speed pursuits. Although the equipment was very sparse by today's standards, it was of the highest specification at the time. This equipment included a Tracker unit that helped locate stolen cars and a Vascar unit that calculated speed between two fixed points.'

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