Thursday, 23 February 2017

Toyota Aygo & Co-wheels Car Club

I'd walked past this car at various times over the last few weeks at Salford Quays and never really got round to finding out what the 'Co-wheels car club' was.
So a couple of weeks ago I took these photographs of the car and looked up the club on the Internet. It turns out that it's a club that you pay to join and have the use of a car that you have to pre-book for a specified period - by the hour or day. You pay a joining fee and agree a minimum £5 monthly spend, then pay for the period of hire plus a mileage charge. You don't have to pay for any petrol you may have to put in the car whilst you're using it, this is covered by the mileage charge. I've not costed it out to see if it's cheaper than hiring a vehicle the traditional way, but if you don't have a car and don't have the need to use one all that frequently I would imagine that it's much less cheaper than buying one.

Co-wheels car club - check it out.

This car, by the way, is a Toyota Aygo Second Generation, and the '66' on the number plate indicates that it was first registered between 1 September 2016 and 28 February 2017.

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