Monday, 7 September 2015

Ford Sidevalve

This is a photograph I took at the Northern Classic Car Show at the G-Mex Centre, Manchester in August 1991 of 3 cars on the stand of the Ford Sidevalve Owners' Club.
From left to right they are a 1949 Ford 5cwt van, a 1959 Ford Popular 103E and a 1958 Ford Prefect 100E.

The brochure of the event had this information about the Ford Sidevalve Owners' Club:
'The FSOC was originally formed in 1969 as the Ford 100E Owners Club, catering for 100E & 107E models. In 1971 membership was extended to all Ford sidevalve powered vehicles ranging from the 1930s model Ys to the 1960s 107Es including special and sports cars. The first aim of the club is to assist members in keeping their vehicles on the road and the club holds a stock of spares for all models covered, and from time to time arranges for items to be re-manufactured to original patterns.
The second aim of the club is to have an active social side and the club holds regular meetings throughout the country with thriving local branches in Manchester and Merseyside. The club also organises 'Sidevalve days' in the North, Midlands and the South, often held at places of interest for all the family. The club produces six times a year its own popular magazine 'Side Valve News' which won the best 'Car Club Magazine' award in 1986. The Manchester branch has provided the vehicles for display at the show.'


  1. Hi All,
    We are needing a distributor and starter motor for a Fordson E83W, is there anyone able to drop their hands on these items, cash waiting. Cheers Mike

  2. Hello Mike, have you tried messaging the Ford Sidevalve Owners' Club on the above link?
