Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Morgan 3 Wheelers

Many of the Historic and VSCC car meetings include a race for the 3 wheel Morgan cars and today's photographs are of some of the cars which took part in such a race at the Aston Martin Owners' Club meeting at Oulton Park in May 2002.

The nearest car (no. 5) is a 1930 Morgan Super Aero Jap 10/40 and the far one (no. 16) is a 1934 Morgan F4 Ford E93A. I can't make out a race number on the middle car, so can't identify it.

This is a 1932 Morgan Super Sports Matchless MX4

Number 6 is a 1930 Morgan Super Aero Jap 10/40 and Number 20 a 1924 Morgan EB Ware Replica JAP

Here is a 1932 Morgan Super Sports Matchless MX2

This one is a 1933 Morgan Super Sports JAP 8/80

And finally a 1938 Morgan F Super Ford E93A

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