Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Unexpected Visitor

Our house is right underneath the flightpath of planes landing at Manchester Airport from the north-east. I was in the kitchen on Monday lunchtime when I heard what sounded like a very big plane flying very low. Going to the back door I expected to see either a 747 'Jumbo', or even the Emirates Airbus A380 coming in from Dubai. It wasn't either of those though, and having dashed to get my camera with not even the time to put on a bigger telephoto lens I managed to get this photograph just before the plane disappeared behind the rooftops:
It's the Antonov An-225 Mriya, the largest aeroplane in the world, and this is what I read about it later in the day in the Manchester Evening News. As the newspaper article says it's the third time this plane has visited Manchester Airport and I saw it on one of those previous occasions, probably 2003, when it flew over my head when I was on my way down the road to buy my morning newspaper. It's quite typical of the Manchester Evening News to tell you about these things after the event instead of giving you the chance to look out for it by telling you a day or two beforehand.

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