Sunday, 25 November 2012

Coventry Cathedral and Sir Jacob Epstein

On 30 July 1994 when returning home from Silverstone along the M6 it was raining, althought the sun was shining to my left, and I remember admiring a vivid and perfect semi-circle of a rainbow to the right. Then the rain became heavier and quickly became a torrential downpour. Unusually for me, I did the sensible thing and left the motorway at the (fortunately) nearby exit and Coventry being close by I decided to have a drive round there till the rain had eased off. The rain soon stopped though and the sun came out so I thought I'd try to find the Cathedral and maybe take a few photographs. The photographs below are of two works at the Cathedral by Sir Jacob Epstein.
'St Michael and the Devil' commissioned in 1957 and mounted in June 1960, just under a year after Epstein's death. It weighs 4 tons and is just over 19 feet in height.

'Ecce Homo' which stands in the ruins of the old Cathedral. This work was executed in 1934/35 and depicts Christ standing before Pontius Pilate. It was donated by Epstein's widow after his death.

Thanks to Ecclesiart and The National Archives for details of the statues.

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